Hello CU friends!
We’re starting a new thing! We will be doing regular features of Certified Control Unleashed Instructors so you can get to know all the talented trainers and learn more about how they are using CU to help dogs and their people.
There are now CCUIs in many parts of the world!
Our first #CCUIspotlight is Karin Roelofsma from the Netherlands.
Hello Karin, could you tell us a little bit about yourself and your school?
“Hi, my name is Karin Roelofsma and I am the owner of the Jolige Groentjes (Jolly Green’s) Dog School.
The name came about because of a blog I wrote at the time, and the ‘jolly greens’ were and are my dog pack – Eight Belgian Shepherds (Groenendaeler).
For as long as I can remember, I have loved dogs and have been training them for over 40 years. For 30+ years I have been using clicker training. “
How did you first become interested in CU?
“I first used ‘Control Unleashed’ (CU) when a dog of mine had ‘Osteochondritis Dissecans’ (OCD/OD) in both shoulders, poor socialisation skills and couldn’t get along with other dogs. I searched for some advice, and that’s how I found CU with Leslie McdeVitt. I immediately bought all of the books & DVDs. From there, I went on to follow all of the online courses from Leslie for CCUI – and became a Certified Instructor.”
What aspect of CU most influences your training?
“My greatest takeaway from the training is, ‘Look At That’ (LAT) and ‘Take A Breath’ (TAB). This has been the best combination for my dogs and still is for many of my students.”
Can you share any CU projects you are currently working on?
“Currently, I have a few projects that I am working on and towards, as well as many ‘aha’ moments!
My latest big project ‘Relax on Cue’ was a COVID-19 project, where I launched my own CU related course for free and found a good way to reach more people online. My lessons are now a combination of ‘Live’ and ‘Online’, because this formula is most effective for my students.”
You can find out more about Karin and get in touch via her Facebook page.